Ben Goldsmith
Multidimensional artist Ben Goldsmith woulel liKe to tell you he ·never could've imagined" tnis for himself, llut ne·s quicK to note tnat - call it confidence or a preternatural heaelstrongness years intnemaKing- it'CljustnotIletrue."Inaway,I'veIleenworKingtowardstnissinceIwas3or4," he says. "I've never strayed. It's tne only tning I've ever wanted to Clo.'
Tnat "thing• Ben's referring to is maKing music - more tnan music, it's an art free from genre, with meloelies as strong as some of tne teen's many influences. Ben was born anel llred on acts liKe Aerosmitn, Dave Mathews Band, Elton Jonn, Queen. Stevie Wonder, Jonn !layer, anel Bob Dylan. Ben floats between worlels, genres, and sounds, truly a jacK and master of all traeles.
Having released his Clebut alllum. The World Between My Ears, in 2023 - before he even graeluateel- Bennowturnstnepageonhisnextchapter."Forthefirstalbum,itwasamore tight-Knit circle approach which really worKed at the time wnile I was still in high scnool," Ben says. "However, as soon as I closeel the Cloer on tne last season and openeel tne Claar to tnis new era, I Knew from tne get-go tnat I needed to expand and taKe a drastically different approach." In Nashville, Ben is worKing With songwriters the liKes of Jon Green, Natalie Hemby, Alex Hope, Laura Veltz, Caitlyn Smith, Brad Tursi, and more. He has also been commuting bacK and forth to Los Angeles where he has spent consecutive Clays witn Dan Wilson. Peter Fenn, RicK Nowels, Sean Douglas, and Casey Smith, to name a few.
Tne upcoming album will be released in September of 2024. The fi rst release. "Love Again" will Clrop on May 3rd.
"My goals are incredibly high for this next wave of music. There are so many different musical avenues to explore with tne amazing writers and creatives I've been worKing with lately,' he says.
Nameel to The Hollywooel Reporter's "Emerging Artists 18 and Under (hollywood·' clull for music tnis year and equipped with a natural yet extraordinary gift for si nging, songwriting, and performing, Ben is blazing his own Converse-paved trail.
Songbirds: Hosted by
The Basement East
Show: 8:00 pm
(Doors: 7:00 pm)
18 and up